StrNote = InputBox("Current Value: " & strCurrent, "Edit the Notes field", strCurrent) StrCurrent = obj.UserProperties("MyNotes").Value If the field already exists, the contents are shown in the inputbox, so you can edit it or type over it to replace.ĭim strNote As String, strCurrent As String This macro brings up an Inputbox for you type the note in then adds it to the selected message.
The following video tutorial shows how to create a custom field in Outlook 2010 and newer. Use the same steps as above, choosing the Text field type instead. To create a field so you can add notes to the messages, you need to create a Text field and enable in-cell editing. When Show as conversation is checked, the field won't work when there is only 1 message in a conversation. In Outlook 2010 and newer, you need to turn off Show as Conversation on View tab. Note: The actual checkbox may not be visible in the column until you click it. Click in the column you just added to mark a message.Enable in-cell editing so you can check (or uncheck) it to mark an item.Create a custom field of the Yes/No type and add it to the view.Click Columns to open the Show Columns dialog.In Outlook 2007 and older, its Customize view and you can right click on the header row above the message list and choose Custom or Customize View (Outlook 2007 and older) from the bottom of the menu. Open the View Settings dialog from the View ribbon.You can even create a custom text field and write notes about the message.